In the previous article, I briefly discussed the advantages of using CARP with PF, as well as the difference between CARP and other protocols commonly used for redundancy. In this article, I will outline a hypothetical CARP implementation involving two redundant firewalls.
Common Address Redundancy Protocol (CARP) is a protocol which allows multiple hosts on the same local network to share a set of IP addresses. Its primary purpose is to provide failover redundancy. It was developed as a non-patent-encumbered alternative to Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP), which is defined in RFC 2281 and 3768 and was quite far along towards becoming an IETF-sanctioned standard.
WAN Load Balancing and Captive Portal on Pfsense 2
Dual WAN Load Balacing and Failover + Captive Portal
In this tutorial I will be show you how to configure a DUAL WAN Load Balancing and Failover server using PFsense 2 with Captive Portal for wireless authentication.
Requirements: PFsense v2 with 4 network adapter, 2 Internet Connection